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Monday, December 17, 2007

Long road trip

I have been away for a while. My mom was in the hospital for almost 3 weeks. She is doing good. I just havent had time to write or the energy. I have been traing still and everything is going good.

This weekend I attemted again a long bike ride on HWY1 to San Simeon and back. Not sure of ther milage but it was just about doing it. I had a bike trailer so I knew I wasnt going to shatter any records. But it is something I wanted to do. It takes so long to get somewhere with 70 extra lbs attached to the bike. I weigh 170 and the trailer is 70 and that's 240 lbs of bullshit:). Just for thought that is what I used to weigh that much 7 years ago. I didn't need no trailer back then cause I had one attached to my belly

Trips like this you see all kinds of cool stuff.

This is on top of Naciemento Rd before dropping down to HWY 1. A wicked 6 mile decent. Takes skill to manuver a 70 lbs traier behing you at 40 mph. I got a lot of weird looks.

Pic before heading of into the unkown:)

San Simeaon coast of HWY 1