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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Another weekend down and one more to go before I can start to slow down some. Im so glad Im so tired today. Things have been so tuff getting back into the swing of things since the 24 hour race. They take so much out of you. Depending on how I feel after next week I might even take it easy for 2 weeks intel the race because I still have a lot of fatigue, and really don't want that going into the 24 hours race at Laguna Seco on June 9Th. I will wait to see though. I suprised my self today. I got up at was out the door at 8:30 am this morning and just got back a few minutes ago and know it 6 pm. A lot of biking, some swiming and a long run. In the afternoon I went to the pinnacle to run and was loviong the heat, I forget how much I love the heat. Well I have Giro to watch and some sheep to count....... See Ya!!

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